Why Thought Leaders Win Every Business Battle

90% of you reading this headline won’t read the article. 95% of you that do read this still will not change how you think. People wonder why 20% of the world’s population makes 80% of the money, I often wonder why its not 1% making 99% of the money. If you want to know why Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or Richard Branson do better financially than you do, it’s because they Read more…

Why do Business Owners Find it so Hard to Ask for Help?

Why does anyone? Business ownership is often likened to a journey that involves navigating challenging terrains, unpredictable weather, and sometimes, unforgiving environments. Just like seasoned travellers, business owners often face a myriad of challenges and uncertainties. It’s perplexing, then, that so many hesitate to ask for help when they most need it. Let’s dive into some reasons why they might be hesitant to do the one thing that might help them. 1. The Myth of Read more…

Getting to the Root Cause of a Problem

Beyond Treating Symptoms In the Amazon Prime get it tomorrow world, fast and quick fixes have become increasingly expected. With a society and technology that now seems to demand instant gratification, it’s tempting to address only the surface-level symptoms of an issue as they arise. However, this approach often leads to recurring challenges, lost time, and resources. The most effective and sustainable approach to resolving any challenge is to delve deeper and identify its root Read more…

The Entrepreneurial Problem

When drive an ambition stop being the answer. I have often wondered how to verbalise this issue, it’s something I see everyday with the fantastic, driven, ambitious entrepreneurs that I work with, they are great at getting a business started, they have a huge amount of drive, they work hard they have fantastic ideas and then they get stuck, and then day after day, week after week running the business becomes a long hard slog Read more…

The Real Essence of Price

It’s Not What You Pay, it’s the Value You Receive In today’s consumer-driven society, the price of a product or service often takes centre stage. Advertisements scream discounts, sales, and bargains, directing our attention to how much we can save rather than the inherent value of what we’re buying. While price is an important consideration in any transaction, it’s crucial to step back and look at the bigger picture: it’s not about how much you Read more…

The Power of Mindset

Changing How You Think for Transformational Results Achieving different results in life often begins with altering our perspectives and thought patterns. The way we think, perceive challenges, and approach opportunities significantly impacts our actions and, consequently, the outcomes we get. This though is a formidable task, and yet the only way to personal growth and success. Why is Changing One’s Mindset So Difficult? Changing how we think is difficult because our beliefs and thought patterns Read more…

Sales is Not an Art Form.

It’s a Process Like most things, being effective in sales is about following a process, there are many, many books about this for you to read and copy, or if you want to make life harder for yourself you can always create your own from scratch. Effective sales processes boost conversions, turn more potential customers into customers, and ensure you consistently provide those customers with positive experiences. Yet many organisations struggle with building scalable processes Read more…

Getting the Right Support

The Profound Significance of Finding a Mentor In life, we often find ourselves navigating through uncharted waters, facing challenges, and hoping to grow and succeed. While self-reliance is a valuable trait, it’s equally crucial to recognise the immense importance of finding a good mentor. A mentor, a trusted and experienced guide, can be the compass that steers us towards personal and professional success. In this article, I will tell you the profound significance of finding Read more…

Why We Should Build Castles in the Sky

And put foundations under them Throughout history, castles have been symbols of power, grandeur, and human ingenuity. These fortresses, with their towering turrets and imposing walls, have captured the imagination of people for centuries. What if we were to challenge conventional wisdom and propose a radical idea: castles should be built in the sky? This may sound like the stuff of fantasy, yet this concept can be a metaphorical lesson on the importance of vision Read more…

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