Have you Done it Yet.

Understanding and Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance: A Key to Personal Growth I spend a fair amount of time with clients especially in the early stages of working with them asking if they have taken the actions they agreed needed to be taken, because surprise, surprise they haven’t, yet. This is very normal and very understandable. Cognitive dissonance, a term coined by psychologist Leon Festinger in the 1950s, describes the mental discomfort that occurs when one’s beliefs, Read more…

The Only Way to Achieve Business Growth

Sales is The Answer In life if something is not growing in some way then it is very likely dying, not matter how slowly and this is absolutely true in the competitive world of business, in business growth is not just a goal, it’s a necessity for survival. Amidst various strategies that companies employ to thrive, sales at a profit remains the cornerstone. Let’s explore the basics of the fundamental truth that to grow a Read more…

The Essential Benefits of Coaching in Business and Life

Why It’s a Must for Success Throughout history, achieving success in business and personal life can be daunting. More than ever, individuals and organisations recognise the tremendous value of coaching as a critical tool to gain a competitive edge and enhance personal development. Coaching, whether in business or life, is not just a luxury but a fundamental necessity for those aiming for peak performance and holistic success. Here’s a deeper look into the transformative benefits Read more…

What Questions are you Asking?

What answers are you getting? Every business, whether it’s a startup or a well-established company, faces a dynamic set of problems challenges and opportunities. To navigate these effectively, business owners need to continually ask critical questions that help them evaluate their company’s performance, strategise for the future, and make informed decisions. Knowing what question to ask and when to ask it is often a challenge in its own right though, I have always found it Read more…

Frustration – How much longer do you want to feel this way?

The Interplay of Impatience and Unrealistic Expectations I found myself feeling frustrated this morning, so I made a conscious effort to switch my focus from that frustrated state to one of curiosity about why I was feeling this way. What I found was that my frustration was rooted in not knowing why I was feeling out of sorts.  One of those weird catch 22 situation I thought. Like with most things persistence played its part, Read more…

The Vital Role of Decision-Making

In All Aspects of Life Decision-making is the cornerstone of success in any sphere of life, be it personal, business, or professional. The essence of making informed and timely decisions transcends the mere act of choosing between options; it is about setting a direction that will lead to your desired outcomes. While change is an inevitable part of life and occurs in a blink of an eye, the process leading up to any change and Read more…

Anybody who has ever Achieved Success in Anything Has…

Always had that helped them. Bill Gates, Eric Smidtt the CEO of Google, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton (yes the Presidents of the United Sates) Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet. Every single one of those massively successful people had a coach or a mentor at some point, someone to help them see what they could not see, to change what they needed to change, to help them focus on what needed to Read more…

The Paralysis of The Unconfronted You:

How Avoidance Undermines Success Acknowledging your own personal limitations and facing whatever fears are linked to this are not merely steps toward self-improvement; they are foundational pillars supporting the entire structure of your own personal and professional success. Avoidance, on the other hand, represents a significant if not an unmoveable barrier to achieving not only your goals but to finding joy and happiness as well. Let’s explore some of the multifaceted ways in which not Read more…

Work shy Lazy Bast**d?

A Problem or a symptom? Maybe it’s that they just have no common sense, are showing a lack of commitment, not doing the job properly, must ask you how to do it every time, can’t think for themselves, are not effective enough, need to be more efficient, or just plain quicker. The top one is my all-time favourite quote from an MD about one of his directors, no matter which, they are all statements made Read more…

Busy Busy Busy

The Curse of “I Simply Don’t Have the Time” In today’s business world, being busy is the norm, everyone is busy and the more senior you get the busier it seems you are. Business owners in the sub £10m turnover arena usually top this busy list to the point of overwhelm although its likely every MD and CEO has felt this way at some point. When I ask them why they are so busy and Read more…