Common Sense is Surprisingly Uncommon

Usually What I find interesting about that statement is that most of us know this is true and are still surprised when people don’t use their “common Sense” What we call “common sense” is little more than the core of knowledge and wisdom that we have learnt over the years and straggly we think others who have a completely different life should have as well. Different experiences will give you different common sense. My Dad Read more…

Stop Looking for Solutions!

At least at first That may seem a negative headline and yet, it isn’t, no really it isn’t. See the thing is most people are constantly looking for a solution to their problems whether it’s money, time, relationships, hiring, firing, firefighting, or any of the other thousand and one problems that 99% of people face everyday. Looking for a solution would suggest that you haven’t found one yet so only two things should come to Read more…

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