No One Buys on Price

Its all about value Now at least half of you reading this just disagreed with that statement and you would be right to disagree, you see it would be more accurate to say that nobody buys on price alone, they buy on the perceived value of what they are getting for the money (price) they are spending. Nobody expects to pay the same for a Rolls Royce as they do for a Dacia and yet Read more…

Passion and Pace

With repetition to bring retention A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, no wait wrong story, let me try again, a long time ago when I was involved in a project to turn a household name from an organisation that was losing over £500m a year into one turning an operating profit of over £500m in less that 5 years there was a leader in the business who had “Passion and Pace” Read more…

Why do so few take responsibility?

And then deny it There is a whole area of self-development focused on taking ownership, being accountable and taking responsibility for your own actions. Maybe this is the rule of 3 coming into play so that it becomes more powerful as a concept although I have always felt that the key here is responsibility, you are where you are in life, you have what you have, you are who you are because of the thoughts Read more…

Half of Everything Sold.

49% of GDP There or there abouts, 0.15% of the businesses registered in the UK or 0.2% of the ones returning accounts to HMRC account for 49% of every penny of revenue made in this country, according to the ONS Well, ok this was a couple of years ago as the data from the Office of National Statistics has been a little skewed by the pandemic, I would put money on it being roughly the Read more…


when will we fix it I was going to write about this the other day but didn’t get around to it, and I have many more quips about procrastination, but I’ll get around to them later. In all seriousness this is one of the biggest issues people struggle with, a quick google search returns 61 million results, and most of them are offering advice on how to deal with it, beat it or overcome it, Read more…

Positive Mental Attitude

PMA, a buzz phrase of the last 100 years I think language is important as it defines the world we live in, the minute you try to change the meaning of the words you change the situation, saying “I am all for freedom of speech, but we shouldn’t offend anyone” is simply changing the definition of “freedom of speech” to meaning you don’t have any freedom at all because somebody somewhere is very likely to Read more…

Is Innovation Really the key?

Where does the innovation belong I have seen so many posts recently in the Small and Medium sized arenas talking about this over the last couple of months I felt like I needed to respond Statements like “As we move forward 3 things stand out – Innovation is Key – Putting plans in place – Thinking of the future Is it though, I mean really is it? That’s a little like saying “for me the Read more…

Trying to do this on Your Own

is Dumb Trying to build, grow, systemise, market, recruit for or increase the efficiency of a business on your own is not the smartest way to do it in fact it’s dumb. Ok, ok before you start hitting comment, hear me out. I get the desire to achieve something you can call your own, the passion you have to do it your way and I totally agree, you should be able to say “I did Read more…

Hard Work is a Given

Right? If you want to be successful at anything then hard work is a given right? Of course it is, I’m sorry but sitting in a field and wishing for success will just leave you sitting in a field wishing for success. I’ve never met a successful person who hasn’t at some point worked damn hard to get there and I would put money on it that you haven’t either and yet if it was Read more…

Is Motivation Really a Good Idea?

I mean really I find it interesting that I have started to notice more and more people on Social Media tag themselves as a “Motivational Speaker” And while undoubtedly most are very motivational is motivation always a good idea? After all if I motivate someone who is not very good at what they do and get them to work harder, longer or with more passion I will just get more of a bad job done Read more…

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