Leader – Leader – Leader

What else is there? It’s all I see these days, leadership this and leadership that, there are leadership coaches, and leadership programs and a million books and videos on the subject, there are seminars and workshops, in fact there is so much out there you would think we have it covered right? The interesting part for me is that in the world of entrepreneurs and SME business owners it’s not really a big problem, Leadership Read more…

What’s Holding You Back?

What do you believe is true. Just one of the questions most of us find it difficult to answer, in fact most people never ask themselves because they have no idea where they want to go, or what kind of person they would like to be, worse still most people think they are pretty good as they are thanks very much and why the hell should they change. Sound familiar? It should that’s around 80% Read more…

Marketing Plans

How important are Marketing Plans Well as with everything else it’s relative, it depends on how important it is to grow or even to maintain your revenue. This is not a glib answer in my opinion they are important but not any more important than say debt management or 90 day planning. Growth may not be the most important thing to fix right now but if you want to see growth and you want to Read more…

Communications What You Need.

If you wanna be the best and you wanna beat the rest then….. For those of you old enough to remember record breakers read it again with the theme tune, for those of you not old enough there is always You Tube. The message is accurate though, if you want your message to be heard above the racket and noise out there in the world today then you need to communicate effectively. There is a Read more…

What Makes You So Special

Serving your Target Market I may have mentioned before that it is common with SME’s to avoid defining a target market due to a misguided belief that it will reduce the number of potential customers rather than simply making it easier to find them. You will not be surprised then, when I tell you that it is rarer still for most to spend time and effort working out what it is they actually do for Read more…

Hitting your Target

Target Markets This is an area of marketing that a lot of SME’s struggle to adapt in a meaningful and helpful way. Most have heard the term and they understand the concept, why it’s important and yet they don’t implement it, at least not in a way that actually helps them get more of the right kind of customers. A lot of SME leaders I speak with tell me they understand the concept and yet Read more…

KPI’s a misunderstanding

Paradise by a Dashboard I often find myself explaining the difference between Key Performance Indicators, Goals and Targets. Because the fact is when a metric becomes a target it is no longer a good measure. KPI’s should help to keep you informed of the level of activity that is going on towards the attainment or your goals and targets, they should be there to gauge progression towards your desired outcome and in turn help you Read more…

Andrew Walter Associates, Business Growth Consultant, Wiltshire

Financial Competency

Its your Money It’s your business, which means its your money so you should understand how the finances or the flow of money works, how that is reported and what you will pay tax on, at least that would be a good idea. Most business owners don’t pay as much attention as they should to this, they usually leave this to the accountant, who gives them a set of accounts once a year that they Read more…


Managing by the Numbers I know I go on about why numbers are important, in a previous article I talked about why the numbers are important in sales and marketing, and at some point I will cover the accounting requirements Not Today though, today we will talk about operations., the delivery of what you do, the numbers that tell you how efficient you are, the numbers that tell you how to become more profitable. You Read more…

Marketing is Maths

It’s in the numbers You may think it’s about creativity and award wining adverts, maybe you think it’s about brand awareness and social media, but ultimately its about the numbers. A good Marketing agency will tell you the same thing, one just after your money will tell you something else. The reason this is true is that no one, not even the great marketing agencies can tell what will work and what won’t without running Read more…

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