A Supreme Commanders Approach to Managing Time

What’s yours? Following on from my last article about avoiding the illusion of busyness, let’s discuss a powerful tool that can dramatically restructure your time management and transform your life: the Eisenhower Time Management Matrix. This matrix isn’t just a tool; it’s a mindset that will shift how you approach daily tasks and long-term goals. The Eisenhower Matrix: A Brief Overview The Eisenhower Matrix, named after the Supreme Commader Allied Forces Europe during WWII and Read more…

Combating the Illusion of Busyness

Getting things done. Let’s talk about something that’s absolutely crucial for maximising your potential and living an extraordinary life: reducing distractions and overcoming the illusion of busyness. Distractions are the silent killers of productivity. They steal your focus, dilute your time, and ultimately prevent you from achieving your goals. To take control of your life, you must first take control of your environment and your mindset. Here are some effective techniques to help you reduce Read more…

Get Some Help

Everybody Needs Somebody As human beings, we’re wired to strive for independence and self-reliance. We take pride in our ability to handle challenges on our own. Yet, one of the greatest paradoxes of personal growth and success is this: while we often resist asking for help, getting help is crucial for any form of meaningful success. So why do we find it so hard to seek assistance, and why is it so essential that we Read more…

From Lost to Found

How Successful Entrepreneurs Can Stay Inspired Even business owners who are performing well often feel lost or unmotivated. If you’re going through this, know that you’re not alone, and there are things you can do and steps you can take to reignite your passion and sense of direction. Here’s how: Reconnect with Your ‘Why’ or Find a New One Reflect on the initial reasons you started your business. What were you passionate about? What drove Read more…

The Delusion of Mistaking a High-Stress Job as a Business.

“It’s a Trap” Hey, let’s get real for a moment. So many of us dream about owning our own business. The allure is powerful—freedom, flexibility, being the master of your destiny. But here’s the trap that a lot of business owners fall into: they end up creating high-stress jobs for themselves instead of true, self-sustaining businesses. Its why so many of them are so hard to sell, you are trying to flog a high stress Read more…

What Are You Measuring?

How well do you measure it? Hey there, business owners. Look, if you’re running a business, there’s no doubt you should have your eyes on the prize: those profits. Yet most business owners rarely look at the profit and loss (P&L) statement, and when they do its usually so far past the point it was recorded its of little help and don’t even get me started on how rarely cash flow is forecasted. These are Read more…

What Makes Business Owners Not Take Action?

When they are Stuck Hey there, today, I want to talk specifically to all the business owners out there who feel stuck and find themselves struggling to have the motivation to take action and drive their business forward again. Understanding the Blocks to Business Growth It’s common for business owners to encounter roadblocks that hinder progress. Identifying these barriers is the first step toward overcoming them. To be clear, saying you don’t want to grow Read more…

Do You Even Know What You Want

Unravelling the Struggles of Identifying Desires and Why Owners Are Resisting Business Growth One of the most common challenges I see people face is identifying what they really want from life, if you like their true desires that they hide away when the dreams of youth disappear. We live in a world that’s constantly bombarding us with messages about who we should be and what we should want. It’s no wonder that many of us Read more…

The Importance of Good Metrics in Managing a Business Effectively

Why the Numbers Really do Count While it’s true that a business is a machine made up of people and culture, like any good machine the measurements tell us where we can improve, and good metrics are the backbone of effective management in a small business because the tell us where to look. They provide critical insights that help business owners make informed decisions, optimise operations, and drive growth. Here are the key reasons why Read more…

The Happiness Equation

At least my equation for happiness This post came about as the people I work with are at least when we start our journey together massively busy and have more stress, worry and problems that the average Joe, and I feel it’s a part of my role as their coach and mentor to help them find the joy in their business that I have found in mine, having said that this is a summary of Read more…

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