Its been done before

I hear a lot of business owners say that they could grow their business if only

If only they could find the right people

If only they could get people to do things the right way and on time

If only they could work a few less hours or fight a few less fires and a whole bunch more of “if onlys”

I get it, I do these are so common that you would think the are universal stumbling blocks that every business faces, and they are. That is though the beautiful thing, every business in your industry that is twice the size, 10 times, 100 times has faced the same problems and here is the fantastic bit, they have overcome those problems and challenges and moved forward, which means you can too.

I am reminded of a quote “the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself”  

Most people simply stop with the if onlys, most accept that this is how life is and ironically once you decide that this is how life is then that is exactly how it will be, those companies that are 10 times or 100 times the size simply asked, how do we find the right people, how do we get it done better how do we get more done in less time and how do we fight fewer fires.

So maybe the key is in our perception of the problem not in the problem itself, when faced with a problem, it’s easy to get stuck thinking about it in the same way. This can make the problem harder to solve. Changing how we see the problem through an outside perspective can make a huge difference.

Shifting your perception means looking at the problem from different angles. Instead of seeing it as a big unfixable obstacle, view it as a challenge or an opportunity to learn something new.

How do I hear you ask?:

  • Ask Different Questions: Instead of asking “Why is this happening?” try asking “What can I do about this?” or “How can I make progress?”
  • Think Positively: simply start from the belief that this is something that can be fixed as others have done it.
  • Break it Down: Divide the problem into smaller, manageable parts. This makes it easier to tackle when it’s just a series of small steps.

Get an Outside Perspective

An outside perspective means seeking input from someone who isn’t directly involved in the problem. This person can offer fresh ideas and insights that you might not have considered.


  • Talk to Someone You Trust: This could be a friend, family member, colleague, or mentor. Explain the problem and ask for their thoughts.
  • Join a Group: Sometimes, discussing issues in a group setting, like a workshop, networking  or a support group, can provide multiple viewpoints.
  • Consult an Expert: If the problem is complex, seeking advice from a professional in that field can be very helpful.

Why It Works

  • New Ideas: Others can suggest solutions you might not have thought of.
  • Unbiased Opinion: An outsider can see the situation more clearly, without the emotions that might cloud your judgment.
  • Support and Motivation: Getting feedback and support can boost your confidence and give you the motivation to tackle the problem.

Changing how you perceive a problem and seeking an outside perspective can make solving it much easier. By looking at the problem differently and getting fresh insights from others, you can find new solutions and feel more confident in overcoming challenges. Remember, sometimes all it takes is a new way of thinking and a little help from others to turn a difficult problem into a solvable one.

If you want to solve your own individual “if onlys” get in touch that is what I specialise in.

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Categories: Leadership


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