It’s a Process

Like most things, being effective in sales is about following a process, there are many, many books about this for you to read and copy, or if you want to make life harder for yourself you can always create your own from scratch.

Effective sales processes boost conversions, turn more potential customers into customers, and ensure you consistently provide those customers with positive experiences.

Yet many organisations struggle with building scalable processes that bring in repeat business consistently.

A sales process is a series of repeatable steps taken to move a prospect from a lead to a customer. A strong sales process helps consistently improve how many customers you get by following an effective framework.

It’s like having a map that guides you and your team on a journey turning potential leads into customers. Without the map, you are leaving all the effort put into marketing up to chance.

That is a sad reality for most businesses, because the only way you can grow other than through acquisition is to sell more, and the only way you can do it profitably is to sell more for less. Leaving that critical part up to chance is neither smart nor effective.

The simple fact is you make more money when you build a proper sales process. When you provide your team with a common framework, they then have a more efficient roadmap to gaining customers.

The top sales people in the world all follow a process and the follow it almost religiously and that 20% of top performers account for 80% of all the sales made in the world, that’s some numbers that should make you think seriously about how important a sales process is, 80% of sales are made by the people who have developed and learnt the best sales processes, not by the ones who make it up as they go along, they are the ones left fighting for the scraps.

I am not for one minute suggesting that there is not a high level of skill among the top 20% of sales people, there is and they are rewarded accordingly, yet they will tell you that their creativity and artistic delivery accounts for only a fraction of the numbers they produce, the rest is down to their ability to follow a process that delivers consistently high levels of performance.

Simply put if you want to grow your business you need a way to take a potential customer from an initial conversation to a lifelong advocate of your business in the shortest, most effective and cost efficient way that can be repeated time after time by anyone with the training, in short a process that gets your people to engage with a prospect, ask them the right questions, demonstrate how your business can solve their problems and get a commitment to purchase.

What to know how you can get more sales

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