Getting your Marketing Moving.

In previous posts I have talked about target markets, differentiation or how you serve your markets in ways that others can’t, I have talked about communication and about strategy and planning.

What about delivery though, how do you turn these things into a campaign that you can actually deliver?

Well, there a few steps that you can follow that will give a good basic campaign you can deliver.

First define your goals

What are you trying to achieve, are you trying to reach new customers, increase repeat business, increase average £ sold from existing customers, or introduce a new product or service.

Decide the purpose of the campaign and then create specific goals based on that outcome. The more specific you can be the better your campaign will be and the easier it is to measure the success.

Next set a budget

Now you know what you are trying to achieve you can work out how much it will cost and so are able to set a budget, remembering that ultimately the purpose of a marketing campaign is to bring more profit, so your budget should realistically be less than the expected profit generated.

At the very least your campaign should be targeted to break even.

Who is your target audience for this campaign?

You may have many target audiences, but your campaign should only be targeted towards one at a time, think McDonald’s, the have a breakfast campaign aimed at people who breakfast, a coffee campaign for coffee lovers and a number of other ones that speak about one thing at a time.

Select where you will be spending your budget.

To decide which channels are best for this campaign, think about where your target audience can be found or what type of media do they use most, it is usual to use a mix of the top places your target audience will be and measure the results from each.

Communicate in a way that will resonate with your target audience.

Brainstorm the messaging for your campaign, you want the message to resonate with your target audience, you should want to create a message that speaks to their needs, interests and experiences. Your messaging should be focused on your customer and how what the focus of your campaign is will benefit them.

Measure the results.

I can’t say this enough, measure everything as the campaign is running and compare that to what you expected to happen, don’ t make knee jerk changes but actively measuring a campaign can tell you if you have made any glaring issues, (I have seen campaigns asking people to call but the campaign had no phone number)

The more you follow these simple steps and the more data you accumulate over multiple campaigns the more you will know what works and what doesn’t, don’t leave it up to chance create a campaign and measure what happens.

If you want to know more get in touch.

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