What else is there?

It’s all I see these days, leadership this and leadership that, there are leadership coaches, and leadership programs and a million books and videos on the subject, there are seminars and workshops, in fact there is so much out there you would think we have it covered right?

The interesting part for me is that in the world of entrepreneurs and SME business owners it’s not really a big problem, Leadership for the most part is about leading, so essentially about choosing where to go, heading in that direction and getting people to follow you, and for the most part entrepreneurs are pretty good at that, I am not saying they couldn’t be better, just that it is rarely the thing I see holding them back.

I am not saying that leadership skills are not important, quite the opposite, as a business grows those skills need to be developed and honed to be able to maintain growth in an ethical manner and I am not saying that the world doesn’t need better leaders or that that large corporates often are badly led, I am saying that in most small to medium sized and growing organisations it’s not the lack of leadership that holds them back.

So, if it’s not the shocking lack of leadership the pure amount of information spewed out daily online would have us believe what is it?

From what I see every day it’s the shocking lack of management, if Leadership is about doing the right things, then management is about doing things right, that then is where the problem lies, things do not get done right, consistently if at all.

Mckinsey, Delloitte & PWC the big Management consulting firms Employ a staggering 781,000 people, and they are not leadership consultants, there may be some big leadership consulting firms out there, but I don’t know their names, and that maybe a clue to where the biggest gains can be found in what the market will pay for.

In better Management.

Effective Processes, Efficient operations, with great systems that ensure that consistency is met, think McDonald’s for a moment, is the CEO a household name, a leader you all want to follow? I doubt many of you have heard of Chris Kempczinski, yet here is a man who leads a business with 150,000 direct employees and 40,000 franchisees with another 1.7 million people, most of you have likely been in one, did you notice how old the managers are? How old is the average member of staff?

Yet they run like clockwork because they are incredibly well managed and not because they are fantastically and creatively led.

Good management creates organisational engineering that makes a business run efficiently.

If you want your business to run like a well-oiled machine then you need to start making sure the machine is well managed.

If you want to know more get in touch 


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