when will we fix it

I was going to write about this the other day but didn’t get around to it, and I have many more quips about procrastination, but I’ll get around to them later.

In all seriousness this is one of the biggest issues people struggle with, a quick google search returns 61 million results, and most of them are offering advice on how to deal with it, beat it or overcome it, and more are added every day, I don’t know why the 61 million results are not enough, maybe it’s because people are putting off reading it, or maybe it’s because very few of them get you to identify the root cause of the problem but simply give you strategies to deal with the challenge, so I thought I would add my views on this.

Procrastination is the negative side of or opposite of delayed gratification, it’s leaving the best bit of a dessert till last, essentially putting it off, or saving a treat for and putting off eating it till tomorrow, strangely no one ever worries about this kind of procrastination, the procrastination where we put off till the day after tomorrow what should have been done yesterday, seems to be a massive issue for everyone.

Why do so many of us procrastinate when we know how damaging it is to achieving our goals and getting meaningful things done, why is it that very little of the 61 million pages on Google about it not help very much?

Because you didn’t want to do it in the first place, read that again that is why you procrastinate, there is no other reason, you put off doing things because they are unpleasant, boring, hard, tiring, time consuming or some other reason why you don’t want to do it.

It is rare indeed for someone to put off doing something they want to do for very long, if you really, really want that piece of cake how hard is it to stop your self from eating it?

If you want to procrastinate less, find a way to like doing the things you don’t really want to do, that means changing your mindset and that may is not an easy thing to do so most of you will put it off, how do I know, this is what I do day in day out, I make people that I work with think differently so they get different results, and yes most of you put off speaking to me about it forever.

Will today be different?

Categories: Mindset


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