I mean really

I find it interesting that I have started to notice more and more people on Social Media tag themselves as a “Motivational Speaker” And while undoubtedly most are very motivational is motivation always a good idea?

After all if I motivate someone who is not very good at what they do and get them to work harder, longer or with more passion I will just get more of a bad job done in less time, essentially I will annoy more people more quickly.

I have been called a motivational speaker myself and I always point out that I see myself as is an educator not a motivator, I help people to learn how to think differently to think the way they need to in order to get to the next level, after all you only need to read Jeff Bezos quarterly reports or read stories about Richard Branson or Warren Buffet to understand this is why they are so successful, they just think differently than the average person, and I wouldn’t think they often need motivating.

Thinking differently is the biggest challenge I think that any of us can face, you are where you are because of how you think, you can argue that until the cows come home and you will not change the simple fact that you are the major cause of your success and you are also what’s standing in your way of the next level of success.

I love Tiger Woods quote “No matter how tough you think you are, you can not do this on your own” and tough does not even begin to describe the challenge of thinking differently and sorry but motivation on its own is just not enough.

The so called secrets of success are in many of the more than 50,000 books in that category on Amazon including mine “The Wheel of Success” and if it was as simple as knowing what you had to do we would all be billionaires, and we are not, so what else is there left?

It’s not the industry you are in and its not Brexit, its not the government or the economy, it’s not your premises or your team, it, not a lack of time or traditional schooling, its not your qualifications or your Cashflow.

There is usually only one thing holding you back and that is you.

There are 3 things that every business owner and senior manager I have ever met needs and they are the 3 things I bring to every relationship with every client and its the same things that my coach brings to me, yes I have a coach and if your coach or adviser or NED doesn’t ask why the hell not.

  1. The knowledge and help to think differently to get to the next level
  2. Objectivity, to be able to see the mine, when they are pressed up against the coalface.
  3. Accountability, to be held accountable to tacking the actions they need to take when they need to take them this is the only way to be laser like focused.

I will not work with people who do not think they need to change, or those who are egotistical enough to think they already know it all and I never promise to motivate, only to help people think the way they need to think, to act the way they need to act, to hire and develop the team they need to have to deliver the dreams they are currently denying themselves.

What I will do is offer a free coaching session to qualifying business owners and senior leaders so you can see for yourself the difference between motivation and learning to think differently.

Message me to set up a 10 min call to see if you qualify

Categories: Leadership


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