At least at first

That may seem a negative headline and yet, it isn’t, no really it isn’t. See the thing is most people are constantly looking for a solution to their problems whether it’s money, time, relationships, hiring, firing, firefighting, or any of the other thousand and one problems that 99% of people face everyday.

Looking for a solution would suggest that you haven’t found one yet so only two things should come to mind, either you need a better education on the relevant subject or you need to stop the ego trip and ask someone who knows right?

Looking a solution suggests another thing, that you haven’t faced this problem before and yet most of the time you have. A very smart man once said, “life is solving problems, when you solve one set you just get a better class of problem.” Thanks Vic Ciuffetelli.

To explain let’s take the example of a business owner, one of the first problems you face is to get enough work in the doors to pay the bills, once you fix that problem then you need to solve maintaining quality and when you fix that you need to find a constant flow of the right candidates to hire so that you can take your business to the next level. See, a better quality of problems.

And that’s the key most of the time you need to stop looking for a solution and start solving the problem, let s me explain.

If you don’t have a consistent flow of leads into your business you already know the solution, it’s marketing, right? Either you know how, or you need to learn how, that’s the solution.

Great, the issue is most people know the solutions to their problems, yet they are not solving the problem. Solving the problem needs action. Most of the time you already know the solution you’re just not solving the problem and looking for another solution is just wasting your time and achieving little.

If you can’t hire the right people, learn how, actually read a book on it and then take the actions you have been told work.

You want to get better results from your team, read a book or ask someone who knows how for help then take that action.

You want more leads, read a book and then, hell you get it now right?

You can read a book, find and attend a course or find a trust worthy person to ask for help on almost any subject because guess what? Someone has solved it before

Want to ask me if I can help, then ask me, the worst that can happen is I say no.


Categories: Leadership


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