
What I find interesting about that statement is that most of us know this is true and are still surprised when people don’t use their “common Sense”

What we call “common sense” is little more than the core of knowledge and wisdom that we have learnt over the years and straggly we think others who have a completely different life should have as well.

Different experiences will give you different common sense. My Dad grew up on a farm and to him it’s just common sense not to walk right behind a horse to anyone who has never been around a horse this might not be quite so clear. In a big city, it might be common sense not to walk into a certain neighbourhood but how would you know if you have never been there before? A Big problem with common sense is the lack of commonality of experience.

Another problem with the “common sense” is how things change. The learning experiences of my father’s childhood do not include how to connect to wi-fi and to my children it’s just common sense.

So, what common sense approach are you using to grow your business, what experiences and lessons are you basing your “common sense” approach on?

The simple fact is that if what you are trying to achieve has ever been done before (grow a business maybe, in an existing market or maybe even a completely new field) and it has been done before, then common sense would dictate you find out how other people did it and copy them right?

You would think if the leaders in your field had clarity or where they were going and had a detailed plan on how to get there you would too yes?

You would think that if the leaders in your field accepted that they didn’t know it all and set out to learn, grow and change yet then you would to.

You would think that if the leaders of Ford, Boeing, Microsoft, and Google had coaches you would have one too right?

Ah but that would just be common sense

Get in touch if you would like a conversation about how I can help you avoid the common-sense trap.


Categories: Leadership


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