is Dumb

Trying to build, grow, systemise, market, recruit for or increase the efficiency of a business on your own is not the smartest way to do it in fact it’s dumb.

Ok, ok before you start hitting comment, hear me out.

I get the desire to achieve something you can call your own, the passion you have to do it your way and I totally agree, you should be able to say “I did it my way” and you should be able to take the credit for what you have achieved and yet, it’s dumb to think you can do it without involving anyone else, really it is, I mean you need customers at the very least, and they have a massive say in what you achieve, most businesses will need suppliers, technology, software and if you want to ever get past being a small business you need marketing, sales, operations, finance, HR, recruitment and admin people, and if you want to make it to a big business, most likely investors, shareholders, a board of directors and a non-executive board.

It is in fact totally impossible to build anything meaningful without other people, you all look for knowledge, skills and capabilities when recruiting staff, the savvy amongst you look for the right fit and values too.

There are over 5,700,000 registered businesses in the UK and only 350,000 ever get above 10 employees, only 25,000 get above 50 and only 8,000 ever make it to being officially a big business, you heard that right only 0.001% of businesses have ever made it past being an SME and they account for 48% of GDP.

One of the major reasons is that those businesses sought out people with the ability to help them learn and implement what they needed to know and to do to get to the next level, those that try and do it on their own make up a big proportion of the 99.9% other businesses out there.

If you are trying to grow, systemise, market, recruit for or increase the efficiency of your business from where it is now to where you want it to be you need to get the knowledge, skills, capabilities and experience to do it, now that’s a smart thing to do.

Categories: Mindset


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